3 Interesting Facts About Spiny Orb-Weaver Spider

Spiny backed orb weaver is a common animal seen along the southeast coast of the United States. It is one common inhabitant to different yards in Florida.

What types of animals and class of animals are they? Spiny backed orb weavers are easily categorized as spiders due to their colorful physical features and red-colored spine.  

Quick  Facts 

· Size  · Appearance  · Color  · Behavior

Thick Brush Stroke

Appearance And Characteristic

Yellow Flower Banner
Yellow Flower Banner
Yellow Flower Banner

Male: also lack point spines, the male are eaten after the mating process... Female: tend to be longer, can be about 5 or even 9 mm in length and 10 to 13 mm in width....

Male And Female

The spider can be widely distributed and can range anywhere in the southern state and can range from southern California to Florida.

Habitats Or Location

Usually, they tend to bite when they are picked up or when they are provoked. Their bite isn’t even a serious issu.

Is Their Bite Poisonous?

Spiny’s backed orb weaver life span is approximately one year. The male spiny orb weaver dies just after they’ve mated with the female....

What’s The Life Span 

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