A Guide To Building A Recirculating Deep Water Culture System

We have various types of hydroponic systems and recirculating deep water culture system is one of them. Recirculating deep water culture system (DWC) is one of the most convenient, easy to build, and moderate cost hydroponic systems you can go for. So let’s explore how to build a recirculating deep water culture system.

Recirculating deep water culture system (DWC) is a method of hydroponic system gardening whereby plants’ roots are suspended or submerged in a nutrient-rich solution and oxygenated water. There is a reservoir used to store the nutrient and water solution for plants use.

What Is A Deep Water Culture & Recirculating Deep Water System?? 

The nutrient water solution in RDCWC will be pumped from a big reservoir. Then it will be passed through other small systems and returns to the reservoir.

Learn How To Build A Recirculating Deep Water Culture System 

A big nutrient reservoir, small gallon of buckets, net pots, air stones, air tubing, air pumps, growing medium, nutrient solution, pH meter, and connecting pipes, grow lights for indoor purpose.

Materials Required  

Step 1 Obtain a big reservoir tank for storing nutrient solutions. Step 2 Obtain some air pump and air stone to be put in the big tank and each small tank.


Step 3 Next use net pots to hold your plants in. The net pots have holes that will allow your plant roots to reach below the nutrient water solution.


Step 4 When you’re done setting up your deep water culture system, ensure you check the pH value. Always sustain a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5 for optimal growth.


Plants that can be grown in recirculating deep water culture system include: Tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, squash, pepper, cucumbers, and so on.

Plants That Can Be Grown In Recirculating Deep Water Culture System

Thick Brush Stroke

Benefits Of Recirculating DWC System 

Components are easily accessible 

System is cost-effective 

Enjoy the faster growth of plants 

Taller or larger plants can be grown 

Watering scheme is very easy 

Fertilization requirement is not demanding 

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