A Guide To Making A Recirculating DWC System

Deepwater culture is a type of hydroponic system that ensures your plants have constant access to water, nutrient solution, and oxygen all at once. There are also measures put in place for adequate aeration for optimal plant growth. Setting up your recirculating deep water culture system is pretty easy when you have the right knowledge.

Recirculating DWC system works just like deep water culture, however, there are a couple of things that will be redesigned. Both RDWC and DWC have their plant roots immersed in nutrient solution and oxygen-filled solution. 

Recirculating Deep Water Culture

Here, we have outlined the process you can follow when it comes to how to make a recirculating DWC system.

DIY Recirculating DWC System

Thick Brush Stroke

DIY Recirculating DWC System

· 5-gallon dark-colored buckets with lids  · Net cups of size 3  inches as the drilled  hole · Grow medium  · Tubing (PVC) for connecting each  bucket · Central reservoir  (40 to 55 gallons)

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

DIY Recirculating DWC System

· Air pump and air stone   · Inline water pump · Seeds or seedling · Hydroponics nutrient solution · PH meter and other kit · PPM mete

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

Recirculating DWC Plans: Procedure

1.    Reservoir  2.    Set Up Your  Buckets Or  Containers  3.    Position Your  Plant  4.    PH Balancing  

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

How Does RDWC Works?

 Oxygen  Water  Nutrients 

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf

So, in the recirculating deep water culture system, the nutrient-filled water is reused and is not drained. However, the traditional deep water culture nutrient solution always remains in the container.

RDWC And DWC System Major Difference

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