Basics of Worm Casting: Uses, Benefits and Drawbacks

Through time and research, many technologies have been developed involving our humble ally – worms – like vermimeal production, vermiculture, vermicomposting, and more. But one of the most interesting discoveries about worms is worm casting.

is the organic waste that went out the rear end of an earthworm – yes, it’s basically worm poop. But if you want the official scientific jargon, you can refer to it as a “fecal nugget”. It is mostly used as fertilizer because of its rich nutritional content. 

What is Worm Casting

Worm casting and Vermicomposting are often confused as one thing, but technically speaking, they are two related but different things.

Worm Casting VS Vermicomposting

Seed Germination:  with your seed starter it provides the nutrients for new seedlings that boost growth. Side Dressing: You can choose to either dig deeper or sprinkle this natural fertilizer around your plant.

Uses of Worm Casting

Lawn Conditioning:   it tends to lose its potency and become barren and it’s your responsibility to rejuvenate it. Liquid Fertilizer: Commonly known as “worm casting tea” but this is definitely not for human consumption. 

Uses of Worm Casting

Advantages - Plant superfood - Neutral level of pH - Protection - Natural pest repellent - Additional worms for your soil

Strengths and Weaknesses of Worm Casting

Disadvantages - You will need more fertilizers - Not suitable for acid-loving plants  - It takes time

Strengths and Weaknesses of Worm Casting

To wrap this up, worm casting truly is one of the most amazing products of nature. It has very easy procedures that produce excellent results. Though there are a few drawbacks when it comes to worm casting, there are more than enough benefits to balance it out.


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