Can you Use Orange Peels in Composting?

In the past, it was believed that orange peels shouldn’t be included in compost bins. This was due to the belief that the addition of orange peels could scare off bugs, worms, and other organisms that encourage composting. 

Citrus peels are rich in nitrogen and can easily speed up the activity of microorganisms when included in your compost. Lemon peels, lime peels, grape, and other citrus peels can be tossed into your compost pile for use as a nutrient for your plants. 

Can You Compost Orange Peels?

1. Add the orange peels in small pieces — Citrus peels are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. Before adding orange peels to your ...

How to Compost with Orange Peels

2. Mix an equal ratio of green and brown materials — You can add freshly cut orange peels or already decomposing peels to your compost pile. When including orange peels to your compost, you want to ensure that there is an equal ratio of green and brown materials in your compost pile. 3. Keep your compost with proper ventilation and temperature There are also claims that adding citrus peels to your compost can encourage the growth of penicillium mold.

Other Things You Can Do with Orange Peels in Your Garden

1. As an Insect Repellant When Working in Your Garden 2. Use Orange Peels as an Organic Pesticide 3. Use Orange Peels to Freshen Your Compost

Apart from orange peels, you can also add other citrus peels to your compost pile. It is important that you cut the peels into smaller pieces before adding them to your compost bin. 

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