Green Bean Varieties With No String

The two main green beans varieties are pole beans and bush beans. These two varieties come in different cultivars ranging from, meaty Roma types, broad, thin, and delicate French filet beans. The bean pods can come in round or flat shapes. It can as well come in different colors such as green, yellow, or mottled.

As we said, stringless green beans are of two types namely bush beans and pole beans. All of which have comes in dozens of cultivars. So, let’s take a look at these two stringless green bean types and their varieties. 

Stringless Green Beans Varietie

Thick Brush Stroke

Contender Provider Maxibel Jade Blue Lake

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Bush Beans – Stringless Bean

Thick Brush Stroke

Harvester Greencrop Topcrop Derby

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Bush Beans – Stringless Bean

Thick Brush Stroke

Fortex Kentucky Wonder Blue Lake Scarlet Runner Romano Kwintu

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Pole Green Bean

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