How Many Kelvin Should A Bulb Have In The Vegetative Period?

You’ve probably heard of spectrum light and how it plays a key role in the stages of your plant growth. If you’re a newbie or a little experience and you are wondering how many Kelvin a bulb should have in the vegetative period, you’ve come to the right place.

One of the plant’s basic needs is light, be it sunlight, grow light, or other types of light that can mimic sunlight. It is essential to supply your indoor plants with the correct light spectrum at their various stages (such as the vegetative period) for optimal growth.

Brief Introduction to Kelvin’s Light colors

Now let’s get to know how many Kelvin a bulb should have in the vegetative period ...

How Many Kelvin A Bulb Should Have During The Vegetative Period

Thick Brush Stroke

Grow Light Bulb

We can refer to grow light bulbs as multitasking light bulbs. They mimic the effect of sunlight function on the various stages of your plants’ cycle.

It’s important you get the right color of light for every stage of your plant cycle to grow adequately.

Light Spectrum For Vegetative Growth

The number of Kelvin a bulb should have in the vegetative period should range from 5,000 to 7,500 Kelvin. They make use of the blue light which is at the extreme of the Kelvin scale which is the daylight hue. It is the daylight hours plants go through their vegetative period.

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