How To Compost Your Shrimp Shells

The shells will ordinarily decompose when they are allowed to be broken down by microorganisms into organic compost. Composting shrimp shells is important as the compounds got from this process are highly beneficial to the soil. This article gives you an idea of what to do when composting shrimp shells. Let’s understand what composting means.

Composting is the process of collecting and storing plant material so it can decay. This decayed substance is known as compost. When added to the soil, it helps to greatly improve soil quality. 

Meaning Of Composting

For the composting process to be successfully carried out, the following items are required: shrimp shells, compost piles, compost bucket, shovel, green yard waste, brown yard waste, and kitchen scraps. 

Items Required To Compost Shrimp Shell

If you are interested in making compost from shrimp shells, you must endeavor to follow the following steps.

Steps On Composting Shrimp Shell

Thick Brush Stroke

Steps On Composting Shrimp Shell

Collect Shrimp Shell


Put The Shrimp  Shells In Hole

Continuous Addition Of Green And Brown Waste

Thick Brush Stroke

Steps On Composting Shrimp Shell

Turning Of Compost

Add Water To Compost

Allow The  Compost To  Season

You already understand that composting is the method of adding organic material to a compost pile. Composting, therefore, is one way of saving organic waste from reaching landfills.

Reasons For Composting Shrimp Shell

Some toxic materials that should not be included include wood chips coated with paint, ink, chemicals, and fecal matter.

Material To Exclude From Your Compost

Shrimp shells can be used as fertilizers because they contain chitin compounds. This compound slowly adds nitrogen to your soil is a very non-toxic method.

Using Shrimp Shells Compost As Fertilizer

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