How To Space Your Pepper Plants The Right Way

Hot peppers include chili, jalapeno, habanero, ancho, Serrano, and hot banana. Sweet peppers include cherry, banana, bell, and pimiento types. All these peppers are loved for their diverse tastes and heat levels. Correctly planting your peppers and providing them with the proper growing condition assures you of a bounty harvest.

Spacing between pepper plants varies from one variety to another. Therefore, we have rounded up some of the most popular paper types and discussed their spacing. 

The Right Spacing Between Pepper Plant

Different pepper varieties have different growth patterns; some grow bushy and wide while others grow slender and tall. Then leave sizes also vary from one type to another.

General Pepper Plant Spacing

Tabasco peppers mature from green to yellow and can be harvested 55 days after transplanting. They are native to the Mexican state of Tabasco and are commonly used to infuse vinegar as the central seasoning in the hot sauce with the same name.

Spacing Between Tabasco Pepper Plant

Green pepper plants require plenty of air circulation, meaning enough space is needed for optimal fruit development. It will be easier to harvest your peppers that grow on the plants’ sides if you allow enough room to move around plants with ease.

Spacing Between Green Pepper Plant

Bell peppers are among the largest pepper varieties commonly grown. The plant’s leaves are broad and grow pretty tall, at least up to 3 feet in one season.

Spacing Between Bell Pepper Plant

It is critical to plant peppers in containers at least 3 to 5 gallons in size. A 5-gallon bucket can only hold one plant to provide enough nutrients for its growth.

How Many Peppers Can You Put In A 5-Gallon Bucket?

It would be best if you never grew these plants close to peppers – Beans, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussell sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi, kale, fennel, and apricots.

What Can You Not Plant With Peppers?

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