How To Use Fresh Seeds To Grow Butternut Squash

One of the most loved and popular squashes grown among farmers is the butternut squash. Are you wondering how to grow butternut squash from fresh seeds? We’ve got you covered here. Butternut squash is pretty easy to grow especially from seeds and we will be directing you on how to go about this. So, keep reading to find out.

Butternut squash plant is a type of pumpkin or winter squash and the plant is a type of viny or climbing variety. It is related to pumpkins and acorn squash.

Some Info About Butternut Squash Plant

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Procedures To Planting Butternut Squash Indoors

Step 1. Prepare a well-draining rich soil. Then fill the soil into 3-inch pots or containers. Step 2. Obtain your seed and you can make use of raw or fresh seeds from butternut squash. Step 3. Water appropriately to maintain slightly moist soil. 

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Step 4. Next, you harden off your seedlings by adjusting them gradually to environmental conditions.   Step 5. Then once the outdoor soil temperature reaches 65 degrees (usually around May), you can plant your seedlings in prepared beds and space them 6 inches apart.

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Procedures To Planting Butternut Squash Outdoors

Step 1. Prepare your beds and ensure you make use of plenty of compost and organic matter to make the soil rich in nutrients.  Step 2. Then to seed sowing, create holes of about 6 inches apart then plant two seeds in each hole. Step 3. Once your seedling reaches 6 inches long, you can thin them out. 

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