Is The Early Girl Tomato Tasty?

The early girl tomato is a medium-sized standard globe-type tomato popular for its short time to grow. It is a cold-tolerant short-season red hybrid tomato that is the first to ripen in a vegetable garden. The early girl tomato is an all-time sweet favorite that grows on the long indeterminate vines.

This tomato was bred in France and acquired by the US agricultural seed company in the 1970s. The Peto Seed board of directors, Joe Howland, had been searching for a short-season tomato he could grow in the unpredictable climate of Reno Nevada. 

All About The Early Girl Tomato

The early girl tomatoes have a mild old-fashioned tomato taste with a nice balance of acidity and sweetness.

What Does The Early Girl Tomato Taste Like?

Growing the bush early girl tomato plants is very similar to growing other indeterminate tomatoes with long vines.

How To Grow The Early Girl Tomatoe

Plant your seedlings outdoors in nutrient-rich, well-draining soil when the last frost date has passed. Space them at least two feet apart to allow enough growing space.


Early girl tomatoes are modern hybrid tomatoes, not heirloom tomatoes. This tomato variety is a recent introduction from France in the 70s.

Is Early Girl Tomato An Heirloom Tomato

Early tomatoes fruits ripen between 52 to 60 days after transplanting. More continue growing throughout the year as long as the weather stays above 40 degrees, and you keep the pests away.

Harvesting Time For Early Girl Tomatoe

Thick Brush Stroke

Common Uses For Early Girl Tomatoe

Eating Raw  Cooking  Canning  Freezing or  Drying 


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