My Lettuce Is Giving A Bitter Taste?

Why is my lettuce bitter? This is one frequently asked question by different lettuce growers especially newbie that experience a bad tasting lettuce at the end of their harvest. We’ve got the answer for you here and possible solutions and prevention to go about bitter lettuce. So, let’s dive in to see why your lettuce is better and what to do to solve the problems.

The bittern lettuce is usually experienced with its leaves. There’s no denying that the lettuce leaves’ appearance always looks inviting.


Heat is the most common reason for bitter lettuce but there are many other conditions that can predispose your lettuce to turn bitter.


Thick Brush Stroke

Why Is Lettuce Bitter?

1.    Heat Stre 2.    Water 3.    Nutrition

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

Why Is Lettuce Bitter?

4.    Bad Soil. 5.    Aster Yellows Phytoplasma Disease 6.    Lettuce Variety 

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

Bitter Lettuce Prevention

- Grow in Semi-Shade  -Healthy Soil  -Use Containers 

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Thick Brush Stroke

Bitter Lettuce Prevention

- Shade Cloth  - Water Regularly  -Grow in Cooler Months 

Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf

Run your lettuce leaves under cool water and put the head in a crisper immediately. Then take away the outer leaves and cut the root and tips. 

Bitter Lettuce: What To Do With It?

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