The Best Time To Pick Yellow Squash

The yellow squash usually has a very short maturity period making it susceptible to quick picks. Yellow squash is summer squash, and one of the varieties of marrow squash. It is largely an edible vegetable looking very much like zucchini in shape, flavor, and texture. Yellow squash usually come in different shapes, sizes, and hues, reaching their peak during the hottest weeks of summer.

Yellow squash should get harvested when it has attained maturity. The following are a few factors that should offer you hint into whether the plant is matured for picking or not. 

When To Harvest Yellow Squash

Thick Brush Stroke

When To Harvest Yellow Squash

Length Of The Yellow  Squash Plumpness Of The  Blossom End Color Of The Squash   You Begin To Notice  A Few Bad Ones


After you have confirmed that the squash is matured for harvesting, then you should go ahead with the harvesting process. Squash can easily get harvested by being twisted off the vine or alternatively by using scissors or a garden pruner to cut off the vine.

Picking Matured Yellow Squash

-While some fruits and vegetables are harvested when they are still hard, others require softness before harvest.  -The more you leave your yellow squash attached to the vine, the bigger it gets. 

Tips To Note When Picking Yellow Squash

-You should ensure to use both hands when picking. -Harvest in the morning; Just like most other plants, it is best to harvest the yellow squash in the morning.  

Tips To Note When Picking Yellow Squash

- Wipe the fruit with a clean damp cloth and place it in a perforated plastic bag.  - The temperature for storing the summer squash in the refrigerator should not be lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Storing Yellow Squash After Harvesting

- Grating and freezing: Another method that may be adopted when storing summer squashes is to grate and then freeze.

Storing Yellow Squash After Harvesting

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