Useful Remedies Against Tomato Plant Diseases

There are some possible remedies you can go for to help your tomato plant leaves curling and we will discuss that here.

Your tomato leaves curing may be due to physiological reasons, herbicide drift or damage, as well as infestation. 

Reasons Tomato Leaf May Curl

1.    Curly Top Viru 2.    Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl 3.    Tomato Mosaic Viru

Thick Brush Stroke

 Diseases And Possible Remedie

Physiological Reasons: Physiological reasons are caused by environmental stress... Herbicide Drift: This is when you spray herbicide in your garden..

Other Reasons 

You need to keep a close eye on your tomatoes as they grow so you don’t miss even the slightest changes that may occur....

Preventive Measure

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