What Light Spectrums Are Best For Clones?

It is the wish of all growers to maximize the growth potential of their clones. If you’re wondering what the best light spectrum for your clones is, we will let you know in this post. One of the major sources of energy comes from the light which is why it’s crucial for the development of your clones.

Cloning involves producing or making an exact match or copy of a plant from a mother plant.   Maintaing and following all the right tips for cloning, there will be a successful plant in the end. 

Cloning Light

Plants require two main types of light spectrum to flourish which are blue and red.  The blue light spectrum is required by clones for root development. The red light spectrum assists in the growth of plants and the flowering of the plant.

Best Light Spectrum For Clones

The grow light that produces one the best light spectrum is the cool white fluorescents. You can as well go for the combination of cool white fluorescents and warm white fluorescents.

Grow Light That Produces The Best Light Spectrum For Clone

Ideally, you should supply your clones with about 18 hours of light. This will encourage the growth of stem and healthy leaves. The remaining of your clone 6 hours is to be in the dark to also encourage the growth of roots.

How Much Light For Clones Is Required?

Thick Brush Stroke

Other Lighting Tips For Clone

Take note of the heat 

Monitor their appearance 

Use only low light levels  

Increase the light intensity gradually 

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