What Size Should Tomato Seeds Be Before Transplanting?

How big should tomato seedlings be before transplanting? It is important to know this in order to help your tomato plants thrive. Under the right conditions, tomato plants will thrive and grow an abundance of fruit. Transplanting them at the right time is key to allowing them to successfully grow. If you do it too early, you risk your plant failing to grow properly.

In gardening, transplanting is the technique used for moving a plant from one location to another. The plant will be fully germinated or mature during the process of moving.  

What Is Transplanting?

When tomato seedlings are three to four inches tall and have their second set of leaves, they are ready to transplant. Anytime before this and they will likely be too fragile and not yet ready.

When To Transplant Tomato Seedling

When tomato seedlings are three to four inches tall and have their second set of leaves, they are ready to transplant. Anytime before this and they will likely be too fragile and not yet ready.

How To Transplant Tomato Plant

If you want to transplant your seedlings for a second time before planting them in the garden, wait until they are at least six to 10 inches tall. This will help ensure they have a healthy root system.

Second Transplant

When transplanting your tomatoes to your garden, dig a hole in your garden bed that is a few inches deeper than the current depth of the pot the seedlings are in. Dig the holes at least a few inches apart to give them plenty of room to grow.

Transplanting To The Garden

Tomatoes do best in well-drained soil in a location that receives full sun for the majority of daylight. They should receive at least six to eight hours of full sun a day in order for them to produce an abundance of fruit.

Ideal Growing Condition

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