A Guide To Growing Squash In A Pot

If you don’t have a lot of space, you may wonder, can you grow squash in a pot? Typically, most varieties of squash take up a lot of room in the garden. They often grow in abundance, which is normally great but can be problematic if you are tight on space. Fortunately, with the right tools and care, you can grow certain varieties of squash in a pot.

If you have a small garden or live in an apartment, you simply don’t have the room to grow certain types of squash. Fortunately, there are some delicious varieties that are great for growing in pots.

Varieties Of Squash You Can Grow In A Pot

Thick Brush Stroke

Varieties Of Squash You Can Grow In A Pot

Bush Acorn

Black Magic Zucchini 

Bush Crookneck

Sunburst Scallop Summer Squash

Thick Brush Stroke

Varieties Of Squash You Can Grow In A Pot

Astia Container Zucchini

Honeybear Acorn Squash

Max’s Gold Summer Squash

When growing squash in a pot, it is important to have a large enough container with proper drainage. The very minimum size you need is a container that is 24 inches in diameter.

How To Grow Squash In A Pot

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