Are String Beans Better Than Green Beans?

If you’ve come across the names string beans and green beans and you’re wondering what the difference is, wonder no more. We are here to tell you all about string beans versus green beans. But what is the difference between string beans versus green beans?

The young pods that are harvested before the seeds develop are known as snap beans. Now, these snap beans are also known as green beans and are otherwise known as string beans. 

Types Of Common Bean

Both sting beans and green beans are scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris. When we talk about string beans, green beans, and snap beans, all these beans are one and the same.

String Beans vs Green Bean

The only visible difference we can say is from the two types of green beans which are pole beans or bush beans.

Differences Between Green Beans and String Bean

Not all green beans look alike. Green beans can be flat and wide, round and fleshy, or even slim, long, and round. Some will be a bit shorter than others.

Green Beans & Their Appearance

Thick Brush Stroke

Purple Beans  Haricots Verts  Wax Green  Rattlesnake Pole Bean 

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

Some beans variety comes in various colors 

Thick Brush Stroke

Nutritional Benefits Of Green or String Bean

 – Vitamins (Vitamin A, B, C, and K) – Calcium – Manganese – Folate

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Thick Brush Stroke

Nutritional Benefits Of Green or String Bean

 – Iron – Potassium – Beta-carotene – Magnesium

Brown Rice
Brown Rice
Brown Rice

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