Kratky Method For Strawberries

can If you wish to learn about growing strawberries using the Kratky method, we will let you know in this post. A Kratky method is a form of passive hydroponic method and it is known as the simplest form of hydroponic system.

The Kratky method is another great way of growing various plants without the use of soil or dirt. The plants are suspended above a nutrient solution and it’s a clean and productive way of gardening.

Kratky Method

There are two ways you can grow strawberries from. You can grow strawberries from seeds or a young strawberry plant.

How To Grow Strawberries With Kratky Method

Thick Brush Stroke

Growing Strawberries With Young Plant

For growing strawberries using the Kratky method, you will need the following materials:


Container to serve as a reservoir for holding nutrients (most growers use 5-gallon bucket). Net cups. 


A cover lid or grow tray to insert the net cups.


Growing media (such as hydrotons balls, pebbles, rock wool, coco coir, etc).


Healthy young strawberry plants.

Now you can set them in your Kratky nutrient solution. Supply your set up with some grow lights if you’re growing indoors.

Kratky Nutrient Solution

When strawberry plants get fully established, they will begin to shoot out runners. It will be a great thing if you can cut and replant or clone these runners to another ...

Strawberry Runners

Temperature is one of the most crucial requirements for strawberry plants. Without the right temperatures, your plant will be slow in flower and fruit yield therefore, no production good growth and production.

Recommended Temperature For Kratky Strawberry

The appropriate light requirements we recommend for your strawberry plants will be 14 to 16 hours daily.

Light Requirements

After about 8 to 10 weeks of planting your strawberry, they should start showing their lovely bright red colors. This means they should be ready for picking.


Growing strawberries using the Kratky method is pretty easy and beneficial. It is a soil-free method that will result in abundant fruit production all year round. You also, get to enjoy the fresh and juicy fruits at the comfort of your home.


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