Why do Compost Bins Smell? Good Composting

You can compost almost anything that comes out of your kitchen. Leftover vegetables, fruits, food pieces, decomposing food, grass clippings, and any other thing you feel can be used as nutrients for your plants. 

When you pack your compost too tightly, it can make it difficult for air to circulate around the pile. Without enough oxygen in the pile, it becomes difficult for the micro-organisms to perform their function – which is to break down the compost. 

The Compost is Too Compacted

When there is too much water in your compost, it can cause the pile to smell. More than when your compost is dry. For your compost to decay properly, it will have to be left outdoors under the sun, rain, and wind.

Wet Compost Smells the Worst

Thick Brush Stroke

Wrong Composting Materials

Another reason why your compost smells so bad is because there are materials in the pile that aren’t supposed to be in there. Materials such as dairy products, meats, animal fat, and oils are not supposed to be a part of your compost pile.

One of the best composting practices you need to follow to ensure your compost is rich is to use the right ratio of green and brown materials. Green materials are rich in nitrogen and include green ...

Not Balancing the Greens and Browns

You can support the growth of microorganisms in your compost by placing the compost bin on the ground. You can also speed things up by introducing organic soil or fresh compost to your bin. This will lead to the speedy formation of microorganisms and leads to a quick decomposition of your compost.

Lack of Microorganisms

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